Friday, November 28, 2008

Korea’s Skin79 BB Cream ~*
Imported Directly From Korea
About SKIN79SKIN79 is the only Korea Cosmetic Company certified by ISO9001 international quality control standard. The company products are approved by KFDA and safe to use. It is also the 1st original brand which brought the BB cream's product into the cosmetic market.SKIN79 has already sold more than 700,000 bottles of BB cream in Korea and is also the favorite and must-use product of stars in Korea.


What is BB Cream?
BB cream stands for 'blemish balm' cream, which is said to provide excellent coverage as foundation as well to regenerate skin.It appears that BB cream was originally formulated as an after treatment cream for those undergoing laser surgery and soon become popular among Korean celebrities.

This natural cream for delicate sensitive skin has the ability to cover irregularities on the skin as well as soften skin texture. The result of the BB cream is amazing. The skin tone would appear more radiant and most of the blemishes on the face looked less obvious. Some users commented that it helps to control excessive facial oil and improved skin texture overtime.

Bb cream has super moisturizing and replenishment functions, but not sebum secretion, sweat or tears effects of prolonged protection of the skin.

B.B霜是Blemish Balm的简称,"伤痕保养霜"。当初的研发是为了提供给雷射治疗的人来使用。一般人雷射后会出现剥皮或脱皮的状态。因此涂抹之后,会让皮肤再生。不只修饰伤疤,更有保养的功能!后来韩国的皮肤科引进之后,造成相当高的询问度,因此韩国就进而研发更适合东方人肤质使用的BB cream,这也使得BB cream在韩国造成大轰动!BB cream同时具备了打底霜、霜状粉底及保养品的功能,可谓助肌肤重生的"多功能全效美容修饰霜"。不仅有保养成分,你还可以将它当成隔离霜、日霜、晚霜来使用!它的纯植物性成份,会给肌肤带来多重营养的保护之外,更不会伤害到敏感的肌肤。非常多的韩国女星都是爱用者。


Difference between PINK and GOLD BB cream: PINK contains Phyto Complex ingredient which is good for skin moisturizing and soothing makes your skin always moist and healthy. GOLD contains Gold and Caviar extract that care the skin intensively to make shiny, healthy skin. Hence PINK is suitable for oily/combination skin or those prone to clogged pores, while GOLD is suitable for dry skin or those who want wrinkle improvement.

SKIN79 Pink BB cream 韩国人气清爽夏日粉红BB霜

Product Name: Skin79 Super+ Pink BB cream (40g)

Price: RM 75.00 (including postage)

  • 取得韓國政府發給的 ‘改善皺紋產品認証’、 ‘美白產品認証’、 ‘有效遮擋紫外線認証’
    Certified by KFDA for its effectiveness in 'anti-wrinkle', 'whitening' and 'sun protection'
  • 防曬和隔離的功效更加顯著! UVA&UVB雙重紫外線隔離效果,使皮膚即使在陽光下也感覺舒適自如
    Excellent protection from UVA & UVB.
  • 吸收迅速而清爽的感覺使皮膚感覺舒適
    Fast absorption and light texture leaves skin feeling soft and comfortable.
  • 利用Nano-technology在皮膚表面形成薄薄的高分子膜,使紫外線隔離效果更加卓越,並具有出色的肌膚穩定性
    Its Nano-technology creates a layer of protection on skin surface, increasing skin protection and stabilization effects
  • 深層修護“Q10”潤澤肌膚
    Q10 deeply penetrate into the skin to provide moisturise
  • 蘆薈和甘草等10種植物萃取物則令皮膚白皙紅潤
    Contains aloe vera and other natural ingredients which leaves skin fair and healthy
  • 加強控油的能力
    Increase oil control
  • 適合油性和複合性皮膚或潮濕的天氣.
    Suitable for combination - dry skin types and Malaysia humid weather.

    Super Plus~十合一,以一瓶就能達到多重防護功效!! 改善皺紋+美白+防曬+飾底乳+粉底+控油+保護肌膚+緊實+ 營養+保濕, 一瓶搞定!Super Plus ~10-in-1, provides multi skin solutions with only 1 bottle!! Just a simple application, it provides 10 solutions including Anti-wrinkle, Whitening, Sun protection, Makeup base, Foundation, Oil control, Skin protection, Skin firming, Nutrition & Hydration!


1.BB Cream 搽上後的顏色?

一般BB cream 的顏色較深,搽上脸後開始時會覺得較白。但约10分钟后就会和皮肤容为一体了,自然的裸妆就达成了!

2. 使用BB Cream 的次序?

使用基礎護膚品後,用手指腹点上少量后再轻轻匀开。整理后可用粉扑轻扫眼角和眉梢。(如有需要,可在搽上BB Cream後再用碎粉上妝)

3. 需要卸妝嗎?

是的,因为BB cream不是單純的護膚品,而是擁有多功能,如防曬及隔離作用。普遍上使用带有防晒隔离的BB,都建議使用一些卸妝產品清潔。因为潔面是護膚程序重要一環,做得不好,其他護膚程序不但事倍功半,還會容易出暗瘡和暗粒。

4. 使用後睡覺可以嗎?

BB Cream 雖有護膚的效能,但不是單純的護膚品,不適合用後睡覺。

SKIN79 Super+ BB Cream PINK Mini

Price : RM15

Weight : 5g

Item description: Extremely popular in Korea and gaining popularity in Taiwan and Singapore, this BB cream was originally prescribed to soothe and promote healing of the skin after laser treatments. Now, it is repackaged to replace the liquid foundation with the original capabilities of the BB cream, as well as provide whitening and UV protection.

Usage: Apply evenly after moisturiser. It replaces the liquid foundation and sun block.

Condition: Perfect size for new users to try. Attachable to handphone/keychain


Product Name:Skin79 Super+ Gold BB cream(40g)

Price : RM75.00 (including postage)

[美白+改善皱纹+隔离紫外线SPF25 PA++]“食药厅3重功能性认证”优雅的肌肤表现+柔滑紧致的肌肤+同时隔离UVA和B+美白效果,365天光彩照人的奢侈品般的肌肤[provide whitening+wrinkle improvement+UV protection (SPF25 PA++)].

Extremely popular in Korea and gaining popularity in Taiwan and Singapore, this BB cream was originally prescribed to soothe and promote healing of the skin after laser treatments. Now, it is repackaged to replace the liquid foundation with the original capabilities of the BB cream, as well as provide whitening and UV protection (SPF25 PA++).

  • 适合25岁以上美眉使用

  • 肤色黯淡不匀净的肌肤

  • 因内外环境的变化而疲惫的肌肤

  • 毛孔粗大的肌肤

使用方法* 日间护理 *

1. 在基础化妆的最后一步取适量点涂于整个面部(额头、鼻子、脸颊、下巴等),涂开后拍打令其充分吸收。

2. 若待基础化妆完全吸收后再使用,更能感受到与肌肤的密着感。

3. 也可代替打底霜和粉底液使用。

4. 若要遮盖黑眼圈或想拥有更明亮的肤色,请再取少量涂抹以改善肤色。